Flu Vaccines at GreenLeaf Market November 15th from 11am-1pm
Posted on November 7th, 2019 by Jessica MurrayGreenLeaf Market is hosting locally owned pharmacy Kismet Pharmacy & General Store who will be providing the flu shots between 11am and 1pm on November 15th. Flu shots are free with insurance, $25 without insurance. See the pharmacist for details about the flu vaccine, and he will be happy to answer any other questions.
Although the flu season started in October, it is not too late to get the flu vaccine, as the CDC recommends flu vaccination as long as influenza viruses are circulating. Doctors recommend that you definitely want a flu shot before Thanksgiving, when you’re likely to see more people, travel, and get exposed to more germs. It takes about two weeks to build up immunity after getting the shot, so getting your flu shot on November 15th should be perfect timing for your Thanksgiving holiday travels!
The pharmacist will also be providing blood pressure readings, and general Q&A! Bring your questions!
At GreenLeaf Market we believe in supporting community health, and this is just one way that we are serving the community.
Keep your family strong and safe #FightFlu !
GreenLeaf Market St. Louis Events | November 7th, 2019