GreenLeaf Market held its first “Celebration of Local Flavors” event on June 4 which officially opened for the month’s local artists and featured in-season foods (strawberries and peaches). Artists from North St. Louis and the surrounding area participated, and their art was displayed through the month of June. Visitors to GreenLeaf Market voted for their choice of artist to win $500.

June’s artists included:

  • Jamaica Ray
  • John King
  • Clareatha D. Swilley
  • Arlene Rosengarten
  • Sandra Levy Krem
  • Amy Samm
  • Erin Hillery

At tonight’s event from 4pm-7pm the winning artist will be announced, and a fresh display of local art and featured foods for the month of July will be displayed. July’s theme is tomatoes, sweet corn, and summer squash. At tonight’s event guests will get to sample the local produce, mingle with the artists, and enjoy additional tastings from local brands that GreenLeaf sells, including Billy Goat Chips and Ann & Allen Gooey Butter Cake.

GreenLeaf Market recognizes that artists are a vital part of creating and sustaining vibrant communities. GreenLeaf Market throws this monthly themed celebration of local food and art, held on the first Tuesday of each month.


If you would like more information about this topic, please call Jessica Murray at 314-449-1140 , or email

GreenLeaf Market press releases | July 2nd, 2019